Taiji Quan

Taiji Quan Traning class
Taiji is one of the Chinese Traditional martial arts. Long long ago, it was designed as a unique and profound self-defense technique. As an ancient Kongfu, the especially push-hand is well known for its tactic and technique, the powerful and aggressive opponent being defeated by a small clever attack or an abrupt explosive power.
No matter you are young or aged, male or female, no matter strong or weak, slim or plump, you all can choose Taijiquan as your ideal physical exercise. When practicing it quietly and slowly, you can sense the existing of air and fully enjoy the aerobic bath, meanwhile you can also feel all the movements like the rhythmically uninterrupted waves. Taiji– the world of the nature and relaxation will become your whole new life style in the future.

Starting Time: 6:00-7:00am, Monday, 24th,October,2016.
Training Place: at the space area in front of the Sasakawa Guest House 

Training Period: 14days. From 24th, October –15th , November Contactor for Register: Mr. Peter, 0243530981; Mrs Zeng, 0574646008 

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