Li Jianqi (1962.09-), born at Qiyang City of Hunan province, member of the Communist Party of China, PhD, Professor,President of Hunan City University. After graduation from Wuhan University in 1984, He was assigned to the Changsha Institute of Electric Power as Secretary of Chinese Communist Youth League, in charge of the student work (Department) and personnel work. He was selected to work as a local leader in local government by CPC Organization Department of Hunan Provincial Committee in 1998.In the same year, he served as the Deputy Party Secretary of CPC Cili County of Hunan Province. He was then appointed to be the Zhangjiajie Municipal Government Standing Deputy Secretary-General in 2001, the Deputy secretary of Municipal Government Office. In 2002, he was the Secretary of Party committee at Aeronautics and Astronautics University of Zhangjiajie, member of the CPC Zhangjiajie Municipal Party committee. In 2005, he served as Deputy Secretary of the Party Committee of Hunan Economics Management College. In 2006, he served as Vice President of Central South University of Forestry and Technology. Since October 2014, he has been the President of Hunan City University. He has finished 14 research projects of the National Social Science Funds and some other provincial (ministry level) projects, won the first prize of Provincial Teaching Achievements and some other awards 3 times. He has published five books, one of which《Higher Vocational Education Research and Practice》has been postgraduates entrance examination textbook by the South China Normal University for many years. He has also some social affiliations or positions such as Council Chairman of Hunan Province Two-Type Society and Urban Scientific Research Association, the Council member of Chinese Higher Education Association, and the Vice-Chairman of Higher Education Society of Hunan Province.
李建奇(1962.09—),男,汉族,湖南祁阳人,中共党员,博士,教授,硕士生导师,湖南城市学院党委副书记、校长。 1984年毕业于武汉大学后分配至长沙电力学院,曾任学校团委书记、主持学生工作部(处)及人事处工作。1998年经中共湖南省委组织部选派到地方任职,1998年任中共慈利县委副书记。2001年任张家界市政府常务副秘书长,市政府办公室党组副书记。2002年任张家界航空学院党委书记、中共张家界市委委员。2005年任湖南经济管理干部学院党委副书记。2006年任中南林业科技大学副校长。2014年10月起任湖南城市学院校长。主持国家社科基金等省(部)级以上课题14项,获省级教育教学成果奖一等奖等奖励3项。出版专著5部,其中《高等职业教育研究与实践》连续多年被华南师范大学定为研究生入学考试用书。兼任湖南省两型社会与城市科学研究会理事长、中国高等教育学会理事、湖南省高等教育学会副会长。