2017 Annual Report

The Confucius Institute at University of Cape Coast was formally launched on the 2nd of June,
2016, however the initial discussions to establish the institute through the collaborative efforts of
University of Cape Coast and Hunan City University of China dates back to 2008. The proposal
for the establishment of the institute was first submitted in 2009.

The content of CIUCC 2017 Annual Report depicts the first fruits of the establishment of CIUCC.
Within one year after its formal establishment, CIUCC has choked a number of successes. There is a
Chinese saying that “complete sincerity can affect even metal and stone”. Within a short period of time,
CIUCC has achieved a lot with remarkable results because of the capable leadership and strong support
from China Hanban, University of Cape Coast and Hunan City University as well as the efforts of all the
hardworking staff of CIUCC. The aim of this report is to showcase what we have done this year, from
institutional setup to its future development plan, from Chinese instruction to cultural activities, and
from cultural exchanges to collaboration. The report highlights our achievements in the areas of Chinese
language and cultural training, collaborations and other special programmes.

Download PDF here [CIUCC 2017 ANNUAL REPORT].

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